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Welcome to the largest studio rental space in downtown Memphis at 828 square feet. Our studio is soundproofed , and just steps from downtown, conveniently located on Beale Street.

The upscale studio space features a 627 square foot Cyc wall with 2 coves, 15.5' ceilings, and the Cyc wall is pre-lit.

There is no natural lighting in the studio, though the wall is pre-lit.

All hourly rentals come with WIFI, restrooms, gated parking, and a facility manager to walk you through everything.

Minimum 2 hours booking.

When you book our space for the FULL DAY, you have access to the green room, the kitchen, and the hair and make-up room. The green room features 2 comfortable sofas and additional client working areas. The hair and make-up room is here for the talent’s comfort and privacy. It is equipped with a make-up counter and lighted mirrors, an additional full length mirror, and a wardrobe rack.

If you would like additional crew, please contact us for affordable rates.

Please note that set-up and breakdown must happen within your allotted booking time.

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